You are here: Administrators > Approvals > Approval Rule Interface

Approval Rule Interface

Order vs Catalog item approval Rules

For the purposes of this writing, we will look at the "Order Approval" rule. However, it should be understood that there is no difference between how Order and Catalog rules are set up.

The principle different is merely that one set of rules is applied to Orders, and another is applied to Catalog items.

Order Approvals Page

The following is the page you will see when you go to one of the Approval Rules pages.

When you first go there, you page will be empty. below we see a few rules already created.

  Name Description
1 Create New Rule

Click to create a new Rule

See "Create Approval rule" for more information


Default Message

The default message sent out to users when their orders are submitted.

For more information about how to create Approval alerts see Approval Alerts.

3 Organization Levels

The Organization Level hierarchy displayed in reverse order.

This is done because approval rules start the bottom most level and move upwards.

4 Approval Rule List

The list of rules created at the current Organization Level are displayed here.

NOTE: Rules are only displayed one organization level at a time

5 Increase Rule Priority

Click to increase the priority of a rule.

ONLY available if the current rule isn't already the first one at the current Organization Level.

Note: You can also drag and drop to change rule priority

6 Decrease Rule Priority

Click to decrease the priority of a rule.

ONLY available if the current rule isn't the last one at the current Organization Level.

Note: You can also drag and drop to change rule priority

7 Unapprove

Click to unapproved a rule.

Note: Unapproved rules are ignored during the approval process

8 Copy rule Click to create a duplicate of the current rule.
9 Delete rule Delete this rule.
10 Edit rule

Click to make changes to this rule

See "Create your first Approval rule" for more information about configuring a rule

Note: ONLYavailable when a rule is NOT approved.

11 Approve rule

Approve this rule and have it be evaluated for future rules.

ONLY available for unapproved Rules.

12 Inline Help Provides a brief summary of how approval rules work with regards to Organizational hierarchy.


The following "Approval Rule" entitlements are required

  • View: to access this page
  • Add: To Create new rule or duplicate an existing rule
  • Approve: to Approve a rule
  • Edit: to edit a rule
  • Delete: to delete a rule

See "Entitlements Section" for a complete listing of entitlements

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens when I delete a rule?

When a rule is deleted, if there are any jobs that were being held up because of that rule. the system will being evaluating the job against the next rule in the priority chain.